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The 3 Matrimonial Property Systems in South Africa

In terms of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 there are 3 matrimonial property systems available in South Africa: Marriage in Community of Property Marriage out of Community of Property without the Accrual System Marriage in Community of Property with inclusion...

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Divorce Court – At Which Court Will My Divorce Be Heard?

At which Court will my divorce be heard? Only two types of Courts in South Africa have the jurisdiction (power) to hear divorces: The High Court and Regional Courts. [At iedivorce, we finalise our divorces in the Western Cape High Court. It is important that if you...

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How long does it take to get a divorce?

“How long does it take to get a divorce?”, a common question in any Divorce Law firm. This article will aim to answer this in plain language, giving the true facts about the “quickie divorce”. How long does a CONTESTED divorce take? Contested divorces, where the...

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Who gets the engagement ring after a divorce?

Who gets the engagement ring after a divorce? May I keep my engagement ring after my divorce? The South African law regards engagements rings as arrhae sponsalitiae, which means that engagements rings are gifts given by one spouse to the other as a pledge, reflecting...

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Our Tariffs

What is the cost of an uncontested divorce?  iedivorce and the team at Patton Williams Attorneys offer international and local uncontested divorce legal services at fixed rates. Our tariffs below is an updated summary of the current cost of our services. Our Fixed...

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What Documents do I Need to File for Divorce?

What Documents do I Need to File for Divorce? To apply for an online divorce, you do not need to submit any documents. Only after your application has been submitted, you will receive a letter (via email) requesting the following documents. 1. The FICA Documents All...

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5 Top Maintenance Myths

 There are many misconceptions about divorce and maintenance myths in South Africa which can cause people to make rash decisions that may end up hurting them (and their minor children!) in the long run. Knowing your rights and the true facts about maintenance will...

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How to Divorce a Missing Spouse

“I want a divorce but I don’t know where my husband/wife is!” The reality is that sometimes people get married, grow apart and move in different directions without further contact. When one of the parties decide to get married again, a divorce from his/her first...

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International Divorce: 5 Frequently Asked Questions

Patton Williams Attorneys (iedivorce) specialises in uncontested international divorce litigation, offering a convenient service that is simple, fast and affordable. 1. What are the requirements for an international divorce with iedivorce? One spouse must permanently...

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Divorce & The Family Advocate – Who, what, why?

Who is the Family Advocate? The Family Advocate is a neutral Family Law specialist whose main focus is the best interest of minor children. Even though we refer to the Family Advocate as one person, there are actually many Family Advocates working in the offices in...

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